Ummm, sad?
This made me sad. Why the fuck do people think this is funny? Screw that, this wasnt funny. AT ALL. However, it was interesting. To bad the animation was reaaaaallly bad. Work on that.
Ummm, sad?
This made me sad. Why the fuck do people think this is funny? Screw that, this wasnt funny. AT ALL. However, it was interesting. To bad the animation was reaaaaallly bad. Work on that.
Good job, you have so much you can improve on but your doing really well right now. Just try and streamline everything and make it smoother. Good going :D
Wonderful, Simply wonderful
This was an amazing story, It made a very engrossing atmosphere (thats VERY hard to do) and the story and art style were also engaging. it was scary and strange, and I implore you to continue this series, i feel that as you continue to grow this series will become better than any on newgrounds so far. Heres to hoping anyway. Good luck, and may your music artist you are supporting have success as well, his music went with your flash wonderfully. (or vice versa)
Saw this before, still funny
And its still funny as shit, I keep seeing new stuff in it. And you have 3 million views. I mean thats just rediculous. I bet your famous. I bet you have an Inside forest in your house underwater. god....damnit....
Yea it had a good song. Yea, the frog was silly. BUT. this had no point watsoever. The frogs didnt sync up with the music very well, and it was just 5 things (Im pretty fricken sure one was a cat) with a 2 frame loop, moving various places on the screen. That takes. NO SKILL. I do not see the entertainment in this.
Shows promise
Have other people watch your animations. Compile a panel of critique judges, either from your friends, family, or people who you know enjoy art. Tel them to be serious about what they want to change and what not, also get input from various kinds of people. This is almost extremely entertaining, and would be if a few things were changed. Good job though, practice makes perfect.
Thanks a lot, dude
Racism is retarded
Tis was great and all, good message, moral values, blah blah blah. But seriously, some people take racism too far. Im not talking about the bad way, Im talking about the good way. If your racist, you will treat people who have different skin tones differently. I am racist, And Im sure we have all performed racist actions in our life. Any way, when a white man is very very kind to a black man, say his co worker, and is at the same time short and kurt (sp?) with his other white co workers, He is a racist. not to the white people, still to the black person. This retard is so afraid of the black guy getting pissy about race, which if he were a respectable, levelheaded individual, would not, that the white guy played the pet. This bugs me more, cause it makes the white guy look like a jerk dumbass, and it makes the black guy feel uncomfortable. In a matter of speaking, Racism is at its best when you dont think about it. Think about THAT.
Sort of
The only part I truly laughed on was the "Do it nowwww" part, just because it was unexpected, well executed, and a good piece of comic material. Unlike most of the other gags in this short. So the title is fitting as far as comedy goes. Get better material and you will definitly have something worth watching and worth continuing here.
Credits = Awesome
That whole flash was very entertaining, good job, I love your style XD
Haha thanks a lot. Funny thing about the credits is that THAT animation was origonally a ball bounce test. I just made it sort of perverted. It's my friend Dacada :P
Joined on 8/5/08